Friday, February 13, 2015

Group 2: Night of the Twisters 2/13/15

Describe the characters and what is your opinion of them?

Which character do you like the most and which one the least? Why?

What is the setting and the plot of the story so far?

To keep the discussion going continue to respond to your group members' responses/comments and share work from your Book Club Notes worksheet session #2.


  1. dose any one know Arthur friends name i think its Ryan

  2. Dan is my favorite character.

  3. i don't like Arthur the most because dan is cooler

  4. the setting is in Dan's sub.

  5. I think Dan is the main charcter abd Aurther is his best friend. There is mom and dad with Dan's younger brother Ryan. Also Aurthers two sisters and i forgot their names. I have no idea what i think of the charcters. Ryan is probably my least favorite because he is said to ruin everything. IDK what my favorite is.

  6. the setting is in Dan's subdivision.
