Saturday, February 21, 2015

Group 2: Abduction 2/22/15

What problems/challenges do the characters face?

Are  conflicts neatly resolved or are they left undecided?

What choices do the main characters face?

How do their decisions affect their own lives and the lives of the other characters?

Why does a character make a particular choice?

To keep the discussion going continue to respond to your group members' responses/comments and share work from your Book Club Notes worksheet session #6.


  1. The main problem in the story is that Matt is missing and nobody knows where he is

    One problem is solved and that is that they got back Pookie

    I think because that adds something to a story and the character is from the mind of the author so the author can make them whatever he/she wants he/she to be

    1. I agree with Madison.

    2. Yah like Matt is missing and he believes that his mom and sister are coming

    3. Yah like Matt is missing and he believes that his mom and sister are coming

    4. and he doesnt think they are coming because he thinks his mom and sister are dead but they really arent

  2. Does this book make you kinda mad or frustrated?

    1. it kinda makes me frustrated because the old man fred always watched T.V but that one night they didnt watch it and Pookie was showed on T.V. and could have been found faster

    2. Yah it does I mean steeling a kid makes me wanna hit that guy that took him

    3. Yah it does I mean steeling a kid makes me wanna hit that guy that took him

  3. The main problem is that Denny has matt and he thinks his parents are dead.

  4. Problems in this book so far are left undecided

    1. ya i agree but some problems have been answered

  5. Matt has to make a choice. Should he stay with Denny or should he try to find someone else like his grandparents.

  6. Matts choices define who he lives with. If goes to his mom, Denny will be mad and his mom will be happy. If he goes to his grandparents, then his grandparents and mom will be happy and Denny will be mad and sad.

    1. i don't think Denny cares much about Matt because he doesn't do anything with Matt and he is really mean. Yes i agree that he would be mad because he would probably go to jail but i dont think he would be sad because he doesnt like kids anyway

  7. Matt has made his choices so far because he thinks his mom and sister are dead and because his grandparents are on a trip in there rv.

  8. Well the problems they have had is Matt thinks that his mom and sister are dead

  9. Well the problems they have had is Matt thinks that his mom and sister are dead

  10. the probems are matt thinks his family is dead. the probems are not solved. bonnie thinks matt got kidnapped.because the charatersaare freaking out. because soming happened to them.

  11. he just needs to know that hes family isin't dead
