Friday, February 13, 2015

Group 2: Hatchet 2/13/15

Describe the characters and what is your opinion of them?

Which character do you like the most and which one the least? Why?

What is the setting and the plot of the story so far?

To keep the discussion going continue to respond to your group members' responses/comments and share work from your Book Club Notes worksheet session #2.


  1. So far the only characters that we have meet is the pilot the passenger and his mom. we have heard about the dad but havent encounterd him yet. the mom i think is sweet but sour at the same time, the pilot i think was really nice and cared about his passengers, and brian his sweet but has no clue what he is going to do next. i like the pliot the most becasuse he was very sweet and i fell bad fore him because he died. the setting is in the plain in the middle of no where and in the middle of no where

    1. I agree too we have only met 3 people so far.

  2. The pilot you don't know that much because he dies a little more pages in the book. Brian's mom you can tell that she wants a change in life. Brian he is a were of things.
