Saturday, February 21, 2015

Group 6: Abduction 2/22/15

What problems/challenges do the characters face?

Are  conflicts neatly resolved or are they left undecided?

What choices do the main characters face?

How do their decisions affect their own lives and the lives of the other characters?

Why does a character make a particular choice?

To keep the discussion going continue to respond to your group members' responses/comments and share work from your Book Club Notes worksheet session #6.


  1. Replies
    1. what does that mean

    2. they face police what do you like mean about that and face police what does that mean

    3. i think bonnie is trying to save him

  2. now bonnie is with the bad man

  3. that when Denny has a tantrum that he might hurt Matt like shot him with the gun he has
