Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Group 7: Abduction 2/11/15

What are your thoughts, emotions, and reactions to the  book so far?

Elaborate by giving specific examples using "lots of showing, not telling" details.

To keep the discussion going continue to respond to your group members' responses/comments and share work from your Book Club Notes worksheet session #1.


  1. I think its weird that the guy took the dog..like thats just sad..why would you take the dog?

    1. he take the dog because it acted like bait.

  2. Its not even his dog either. I wonder if his Ex Wife would allow him to even touch the dog..if they have been divorced

  3. I hope Matt gets away though..he probaly wont. So far this book is a great book and I think I will enjoy it while I am reading it. But I do have a question, How many AR points is this book? I didnt get to see it when she was reading off the reading level and amount of AR points.

  4. I wonder if he is going to kill Matt, or the dog..If he does I wont be reading this book anymore lol. I just wonder if hes going to let Matt, AND the dog go. But I also wonder if they will find the dog, and find out who took the dog, and who took the kid. In all I hope that everything will be alright. Also I am wondering if Matt is the son of Denny Thurmans Ex Wife.

    1. I hope he doesnt hurt Matt and why would he take Matt in the first place because if he took Matt he he must of had a reason why he did. maybe he will make the kid work for him or give him to someone else to work for him for money

  5. One question though. Why would he take the dog, and why is the dog blind..? I mean I know its old and all but dogs dont go deaf..my dogs 7 and she isn't deaf lol.

  6. I think that he will use the dog to control Matt like make him do stuff and if he doesnt he will hurt the dog
